Monday, October 27, 2008

Try to dress up when i'm Missing you.

Reached home at 8plus this morning.
Slept &woke up at 3plus just now.
I'm still so tired.
But, i cant sleep.
Why why why?
I dont know too.

I had fun ytd.
The coffin was interesting.
But, Boring.
Shah was irritatinggggg in the cinema.
Next time i'll stick the popcorn up your nose &not in your mouth!

Augustine &everyone else are so funnyyyyy.
Had fun playing arcade with
Augustine, Andrea &Shah.(:
Had fun watching them play pool too.
Thankyou Marcus for the short pool lesson!(:

Chillied at Clarke Quay after movie.
Talked, gossiped, sang.
I really had fun:D

But i'm really exhuasted now.
There are some photos with Sera.(:
Shall upload them when i got it.

Ps: Sera Sera(!) my dearest dearest, i loveeee you!:D LOL.
- 5.13pm

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